Keyart by Kuraberry


Web design has always been the main driving force learning and developing my skills in web development and design. Up until recently I primarily used Adobe Fireworks as my primary design tool mainly due to being able to use vectors and quickly iterate and experiment. Adobe decided to deprecate Fireworks in 2013, at which point I went on the hunt for a new design tool.

I was hearing a lot of good things about Sketch, so thought I would try it. I quickly felt at home using it to build designs for everything from websites to mobile and desktop apps. The tool chain around Sketch is amazing as it just integrates with so many prototyping tools right of the bat, and has a good plugin community. For the last year Sketch as been my primary design tool, along with using Photoshop for image manipulation. I continue to grow my skillset in Sketch daily to allow me to be better at the design and get my ideas down on the screen quickly.

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